
Что есть в русской кухне

Rusian cuisine is known for its diverse range of porridges, pies, meat, game, fish, and mushrooms. As new ingredients entered the country, traditional Russian dishes also evolved with the addition of potatoes, tomatoes, and zucchini.

One of the most traditional aspects of Russian cuisine is the variety of soups. Some of the most well-known include shchi, borscht, rassolnik, solyanka, kalya, ukha, botvinya, and okroshka. Prior to the widespread use of potatoes in the late 19th century, the main vegetable used was turnips.

The most popular traditional first course in Russian cuisine is shchi and comes in over 60 different recipes. In addition to shchi, the top 10 most popular Russian dishes include Russian salad, pancakes, porridge, borscht, ukha, holodets, and dumplings.

Foreigners often find certain Russian dishes and ingredients unusual, such as dried fish, aspic, kissel, buckwheat, hematogen, and pickled watermelon. But don't let this discourage you from trying Russian cuisine — there are plenty of delicious and unique dishes to explore!

If you're interested in trying traditional Russian cuisine, here are a few tips and recommendations:

  1. Visit a local Russian restaurant or grocery store to sample authentic dishes and ingredients.
  2. Try making traditional Russian dishes at home using online recipes or cookbooks.
  3. Experiment with adding unique Russian ingredients, such as pickled vegetables or sour cream, to your favorite dishes.
  4. When visiting Russia, be sure to try traditional dishes from the various regions, each with their own unique specialties.

Remember, the best way to truly appreciate Russian cuisine is to explore and savor its unique flavors and history.
